Pézenas, City of Art and Culture


To visit / To See

Remarkable Events
Theatre The Theatre of Pézenas Fête de la Saint-Blaise Night of Saint-Blaise - Carnaval
(Temporadas of February)
Musée Vuillod-Saint Germain Vulliod-Saint Germain Museum
Fête de la Saint-Jean 2013 Night of Saint-Jean
(Temporadas of June)
Ami Pezenas Events organized by the Association
of "Les Amis de Pézenas"
Martror 2015 Martror, the celebration of the Dead
(Temporadas of November)
Madeleine Oussikian Artists and Workshops Journée Molière Molière'Days :
Theatre and Street's Events (June)
Mini icone Mini iconeCraftmen and their shops Le Poulain de Pézenas
The Rides of the Poulain, totemic animal of the City of Pézenas
Exposition_Bertholon Art Exhibitions
Pézenas enchantée
"Pézenas Enchantée", Lyric Festival
MasterClass public - Concerts - Films - Captation - Conference (October)
Eglise Saint John's Collegiate Church
and its organ Lépine-Cavaillé-Coll
Concert Pézenas
Architecture Pézenas
Les Jeudis de l'Orgue
Thursdays of the Organ
in the Church St. John
(July - August)

Scénovision Molière

Scénovision Molière
in the Tourist Information Office
Scénovision Molière

Two huge annual flea markets
(May - October)
Musée de la Porte Museum of Doors and Wrought Ironwork
Rencontres cinématographiques Film Festival
Architecture Pézenas
Musée Boby Lapointe
musician and ... mathematicien

Printival Boby Lapointe : French Song Festival

Musée Jouet

International Toy Museum

Les Estivales

(Wine tasting on Friday in July and August)
La Maman des Poissons

"La Maman des Poisson"
Youth Book Festival


  Big Traditional Market

(every saturday)
